Monday, June 20, 2011

cha cha cha KA BAP! June 20, 2011

Great week fam. much to say and not a fifth of the necissary time, so i will give you a great small version. We work like dogs. weve got a few really good new investigators, that we will know more about this week regarding their eternal salvation. Weve got big plans to find me. The food here is usually good, but i ate a whole hamburger that was pretty much straight raw. ugh. just barely cooked on the outside. anyway, ive only lost like 30 pounds since that day so im sure im fine.
 Other than that, we had zone conferance on friday and it was amazing! i didnt understand a ton of it but i got a chance to talk to presidant cause i had some questions for him, and we ended up having the most awsome conversation. Talking to him helps me realize how much i know i need to be here. so encouraging! i told him all the stuff im kind of trying to work on and my ideas and my struggles with the language and stuff and he just got all excited and then we both were like excited and talking about all the work we were gonna get done. it was sweet. His wife said i have pretty good pronunciation so thats good. now i just need to know what im saying haha. So saturday night, at 7, it was time for our baptism, and we were the only two there! its all good though. bishop didnt show up but about 10 people did and one of them was a priesthood leader, and then rebeca and her mom showed up so it was all good. i said the opening prayer and she got baptized ! and i took some good pictures, and ran to get them developed right after because i have been putting together a book, with the program from the baptism, the pictures, and then 16 testimonies i got people to write, and i put it all into the book and gave it to her mom to give to her sunday. her mom is still a new convert so i want every good thing that happens to be between the two of them. I think she loved the book. Also, i gave her her confermation blessing in sacrament meeting, which was a bit nerve racking, since it wasnt in english, but i think it went really well.
       I have alot of goals for this week. Big ones. And one thing ive figured out with our companionship is that if somethings gotta get done, or we need to leave a house, or something, i gotta do it. and thats fine, its helping me with my spanish. and i like having things be on my shoulders, that way they get done. I think my short attention span is actually a pretty big blessing down here, because theirs a huge culture of like sitting around and sleeping in sometimes and staying for lunch for way to long, and i just dont roll that way, so im making things happen, and its  good. alot of good will happen this week. i want to hear from you all. please tell johnny i still havent heard from him and my rage is building. love you all!
                                      Elder Bridge

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