But seriuosly, i have woken up from my MTC stupor and life is amazing. My worries were in vain. My comp is a total stud, his name is Elder Moeller, hes from Alpine Utah, hes been out for a year, and he works his butt off. Entonces, we work our butts off. We teach hecka lessons, and in June were gonna baptize hecka people. WE get along awsome, we live in a tiny dirty apartment, witha broken bede (sad i know) In a town called Rio Cuarto (the fourth river) about 3 hours south of Cordoba Capital. Most of our investigators are the most humble people ive ever met, living in houses the size of our...house. just kidding haha theyre way tiny, and full of happy people usually. They love to feed us, and one of the poorest ladies in the branch does our laundry, and that same family has fed us twice. Friday we went over there and chopped a bunch of wood for them, and theyre awsome. WE got a pet yesterday in the form of a stray dog, who is missing tons of hair and is pretty ugly, but he follows us everywhere so we love him, and named him little john, cause hes our sidekick. Its p-day so im in an internet cafe type thing, and im gonna tell you right now that im not going to have enough time to tell you all the little details that i want to tell, but ill do my best.
The food here is pretty plain tasting usually, and nothing is remotely spicy. My greatest wish is to have more money so that i can go to Walmart( yeah we have one) and buy a decent frying pan and some good ingrediants, because as it is ive been eating cheap cold cereal, lunch with a member, and no dinner, and money is still tight-ish. Entonces, i havent really been able to take my vitamens, but its whatever. I tried to make omelettes for us this morning and while they tasted okey, they werent omelettes because our frying pan is so sucky, everything sticks and burns and stuff. But that led us to discover that our over is actually white underneath all the built up gunk, so we spent a good 45 minutes making it white again. its now clean. AFter this our whole zone is going to eat together someplace ive never been, and then hopefully go play some soccer, although suprise suprise i lost my shorts.
Our Presidant is even cooler than i let myself hope for. I felt so awsome after my interview with him. He and I see exactly eye to eye on what a missionary needs to be, and how he should be motivated, entonces, we will not be focusing and wasting our time on what not to do. time is too precious. His wife is also the Cats PJ´s but doesnt speak english, so more on her in a few months haha.
On day one Elder Moeller and i were stacked with appointments, and since than havent had a hard time getting more, and we do alot of good tracking and contacting an hymn singing and what not , all of which is productive. The only tough part, as im sure daniel knows well, is getting them to come to church, and to be home when you schedule appointments. In this, we need to work and learn some tricks, because its been tough. Any advice would be awsome. That is also what i will be fasting for this weekend, that our investigators will realize how much they need this in their lives, and that they will let us help them in making their souls a priority. the white handbook says not to ask family at home to join in special fasts, entonces, i am simply saying that that is what I am fasting for...hint hint.
I am very excited for one of our appointments tonight, she is the daughter of a new convert, shes 13 and shes been to church like 5 times. she also is like a saleswoman for avon, which i thought was crazy for someone that young, but shes hecka smart and organized. Yesterday we gave her a Book of Mormon, and this morning elder moeller and i planned a lesson that i think will go really well. It was prepared with just making her feel the spirit strongly in mind, and then we plan to give her a baptism date (which we call fechas). so cross your fingers!
Even with people who at first have no interest, if we can get them to listen to us sing a hymn, without fail we see their hearts softened, even just a bit. Sometimes they tighten them right back up when we keep going, but sometimes we can get them to let us come back another time, and even if they are doing it to get rid of us, we dont care haha. we´ll be back.
Yesterday we went and at bishops house after church. his house very large for here, with really high ceilings and expensive everything, in the middle of a hard about as big as uncle gradens, meybe bigger. Thats very rare here, and the food was good, and his family is super nice, but i would rather have just eaten and left and got to work then staying as long as we did. they brother us desert, and then more desert, and then decaf coffee hahahaha i figured you guys would think that was funny. he was holding the can and kept saying like (yeah, its like coffee, but without caffiene! how awsome is that!) as if decaf were a new idea. anyway, funny stuff. Elder Moeller and i decided to put an hour and a half limit on every time were in a persons house, and only that long when were really in the middle of something important. so next time we´ll just have to make that clear.
Every Saturday we eat with the Velez family, who are on the opposite end of the spectrum. tiny tiny house. they have a son named Delfin who is 17 who wants to go on a mission, a daughter who is like 12, i cant think of her name, and then a lil kid named Claudio, who is a funny little guy.They made us like alot of chicken and pasta, the 4 of us, and then when Elder Moeller told them it was my birthday, the mom jumped up and made me a cake, which the daughter frosted and sprinkled and put a candle on it. they sang feliz cumpleaƱos to me and pulled on my ear 21 times. i loved it. i took some pictures.
I forgot to mention the two other Elders we work with haha they are so awsome. They are our zone leaders, both are Chilean and used to be friends before the mission. They names are Elder Crespo and Elder Lagos, and they are super awsome. The 4 of us share all our investigators, and that is awsome. We are looking for a new apartment so all 4 of us can live together cause it will be easier, and even though Elder Lagos speaks English, my Castillano (they never say spanish here...or adios for that matter) will get way better living with them. They are total goofs and theyre always making everyone laugh and stuff but also you know like super wise, kind of like me haha.
Entonces Familia Bridge, I miss you all, but i love it here. I am blessed in every way. All of my prayers so far have been answered, you can feel happy for how happy i am. Im safe, Im eating at least one square meal a day, i have an awsome comp and we dont waste no time. And i have a dog. so yeah, its all good in the barrio.
Chao Chao! Nos Vamos!
-Elder Puente (Bridge is hard for them to say)
P.s i will be getting on around 11 every monday if anyone wants to say hey!