Friday, May 20, 2011

Don't know when I'll be back again! May 19, 2011

 What it is family? Had another amazing week here, due in part to the fact that its THE LAST ONE! YEEEEEEE HAAAAWWW! Tuesday was awsome, cause it was the last one, and wednesday followed the trend! (if that didnt make sense ask brandon about it, last time i heard (which was forever ago) he is studying econ, so he knows all about trends and stuff). So on tuesday it was our final devotional, and for choir we sang Redeemer of Israel and it sounded really good ( i broke a small rule by bringing a tape recorder in and recording while we sang. so yeah, be expecting a tape, even though it may have the sound quality of a tape recorder in my pocket in the middle of the tenor section, which is the loudest. dont expect to hear the sisters sing at all. Sara, why do sisters sing so quiet like all the time? I felt like i was in high school choir again. But yeah, so you'll be getting a tape i think. And then after we sang guess who came and spoke? Elder Richard G. Hinckley! I dont think i could have asked for better speakers during my stay in the mtc. We've had 3 apostles and many great general authorities, that have made my tesimony of prayers being answered grow like a noxious weed (which is the only time i think being compared to a noxious weed would be a good thing, unless its an annoying contest). I feel very blessed by how perfect our teachers have been for our district. I think of some of the lessons theyve helped me learn, and others that theyve just helped me recognize that i need to learn, and i cant see it happening with anyone else but them. They are great examples and are going to go super far.
         So the other elders in our zone are getting kind of sad that we're leaving. Ive bonded with every one of them in a different way, and im gonna miss them a ton. I have spent too much time worrying about what kind of elders we would get because they have all turned out to be awsome. I would be stoked to run into any of them after this for a hang out. Did i say in my last email that ive decided to walk the path of daniel and never buy another xbox? at first i said no video games but i think i could justify something like a wii for when i have company over. There is too much i want to get awsome at, such as music, longboarding, and rock climbing. Im totally gonna do it. Ive already seen how hard work really can pay off, just like people tried to tell me for the first 20 years. I even have new abs that ive never seen before, on the sides! its so awsome, so hopefully i dont get lazy with the workout and stuff. Well fam, this time next week i will be unable to communicate with everyone, and grinning like an idiot, 8,000 miles away from home. I love you all, and i will miss you all, and want to tell you about every single experience. Mom, please send me the numbers of daniel, christal, brandon, and kass so that i can call them from the airport. and meybe a phone card would be sweet too. quick reminder, i wont get any dear elders written to me after friday morning, because ill be gone before they print them on monday. okay, gotta go. love you all, and ill make you proud!
                                    -Elder Bridge

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